First one realises, just by thought, that they are a cause, enabler, endorser, supporter, antecedent (temporal or not) and well… a fan of the causing of unacceptable suffering.
Then one realises that, ultimately, the reason that they cause this suffering is to satisfy their own momentary mouth pleasure.
When these two simple realisations are acknowledged I belive it would be ignoble of me not to then ask myself, “What should I do?”
If I consume meat, then am I an accomplice in the murder of a baby animal, just for fun?
What should I do?
It took me a while to get to answer this question. There were lapses and cognitive dissonances and a guilty goat curry that was “going to waste”.
But the answer came, a nobrainer it seems to me now, “I do not eat animals.”
And that is almost that, except that it get’s worse than the worseness of meat and the obvious butchery/epiphany of that equation:
If I eat dairy, then I cause greater and wider suffering than the suffering I cause from just eating meat.
This is startling, when you let it settle.
The dairy industry is the meat industry.
But it is the meat industry with extra layers of humiliation and exploitation.
It has enforced breeding, unnatural confinement, torture, antibiotic recklessness and on and on…
Is it not is even more repugnant and brutal than the meat farming?
Cheese is literally addictive.
I miss it so much.